Class TelegrafExecutionContext


  • ExecutionContextHost
    • TelegrafExecutionContext



  • Parameters

    • args: any[]
    • OptionalconstructorRef: Type<any>
    • Optionalhandler: Function

    Returns TelegrafExecutionContext


  • Returns a particular argument by index.

    Type Parameters

    • T = any


    • index: number

      index of argument to retrieve

    Returns T

  • Returns the array of arguments being passed to the handler.

    Type Parameters

    • T extends any[] = any[]

    Returns T

  • Returns the type of the controller class which the current handler belongs to.

    Type Parameters

    • T = any

    Returns Type<T>

  • Returns a reference to the handler (method) that will be invoked next in the request pipeline.

    Returns Function

  • Type Parameters

    • TContext extends string = ContextType


    Returns void

  • Switch context to HTTP.

    Returns HttpArgumentsHost

    interface with methods to retrieve HTTP arguments

  • Switch context to RPC.

    Returns RpcArgumentsHost

    interface with methods to retrieve RPC arguments

  • Switch context to WebSockets.

    Returns WsArgumentsHost

    interface with methods to retrieve WebSockets arguments